disk-mayhem2d platformer fighter with a lot of sawblades kdx2 years
musiclab:)kdx14 months
carrenoirsurfondblanc?kdx6 months
bozojamLISAA jam early prototype kdx14 months
aoc23advent of code 2k23kdx5 months
mortan exercism in minimalismkdx7 months
orgaassembler and emulator for the orga stack-machine kdx5 months
sorthbad forth in <100 lines of Ckdx5 months
7drl2023best game jam imhokdx14 months
fldbloated C++ game enginekdx10 months
twtxtcc99 client for twtxt kdx16 months
stormceleste classic modkdx14 months
celexceleste classic mod basekdx2 months
golemcompiler something something kdx5 months
lem-configconfig for lem editorkdx3 months
cminuscringe C utility headerkdx10 days
hmlecringe level editorkdx10 months
kldcringe rendering enginekdx3 months
sunnydaydon't mention it kdx16 months
scr16fe virtual consolekdx20 months
hyperultrafxcg50 autorunnerkdx7 months
tzrgame changing shit kdx3 weeks
lzygint and SDL compatibility layerkdx13 months
tiled2cgo was too slowkdx7 weeks
genshin2goty 2024kdx6 months
wehfouhella goty kdx2 years
inputhigh level input module for TZRkdx3 weeks
premovechesshow is your mindgame these days?kdx8 months
004 kdx14 months
005 months
006 months
42-containersi shouldn't be here kdx16 months
pxindexed framebufferkdx8 months
008information overloadkdx4 months days
jamdelaloosela loosekdx13 months
learncc65learning NES programmingkdx7 months
utf8-discoverylearning and documenting how to poorly handle UTF-8 kdx14 months
hare-brainfucklearning harelang by building a brainfuck interpreterkdx15 months
catgymanic filterskdx9 months
maximalistmanifestomaximalist manifestokdx7 weeks
jambasemessy game jam starting pointkdx13 months
skyminimalist C game frameworkkdx5 months
lzrminimalist c/c++ game framework kdx13 months
alpine-post-installmy alpine linux post-install scriptkdx15 months
noleakmy code does not leak no more kdx14 months
learnopenglmy studies following months
nvim-configneovim configuration fileskdx15 months
o7zo7c but againkdx6 weeks
orgasetorga utility: tileset to raw assemblykdx13 months