Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* DrawSetColor8kdx2023-04-16
* backward compatibility with c99kdx2023-04-09
* autodetect qoi is imagekdx2023-04-07
* additive lightskdx2023-04-07
* light system donekdx2023-04-07
* light render bufferkdx2023-04-07
* optional png supportkdx2023-04-07
* draw image flip x and flip ykdx2023-04-02
* playsound argskdx2023-03-31
* load, destroy and play soundkdx2023-03-31
* audiokdx2023-03-31
* fancy rectangle drawingkdx2023-03-28
* spawn mouse at the center of the screenkdx2023-03-28
* show/hide cursorkdx2023-03-28
* mouse position and screen transformkdx2023-03-27
* register mouse state eventskdx2023-03-27
* optional paranoid nodiscardkdx2023-03-26
* tzr style resource usagekdx2023-03-26
* maybe_unused argc argvkdx2023-03-26
* formatting tweakkdx2023-03-26
* licensekdx2023-03-25
* bump to C23kdx2023-03-25
* figure than png is imagekdx2023-03-11
* draw blendmodekdx2023-03-07
* Revert "resource reload hook"kdx2023-03-05
* resource reload hookkdx2023-03-05
* LoadResourceTyped: prevent obvious duplicatekdx2023-03-02
* image draw anglekdx2023-02-26
* GetTickkdx2023-02-26
* use sdl2_image for texture loadingkdx2023-02-25
* GetRawResourcekdx2023-02-24
* forgot to copy rawdatakdx2023-02-23
* prepend TZR.h with pragma oncekdx2023-02-23
* GetImageWidth and GetImageHeightkdx2023-02-22
* fix Init macrokdx2023-02-22
* DrawImage center optkdx2023-02-22
* rewrite READMEkdx2023-02-22
* DrawLinekdx2023-02-22
* DrawPoint and DrawRectanglekdx2023-02-22
* preemptive embed demokdx2023-02-22
* make scale work + input demokdx2023-02-22
* mark git commit hash in release fileskdx2023-02-22
* cute upscaling you got herekdx2023-02-22
* fix perror in DirectResourceLoadkdx2023-02-22
* expose keystateskdx2023-02-22
* internal key input managementkdx2023-02-22
* remove live editing featurekdx2023-02-22
* LoadResource detect filetype from extensionkdx2023-02-21
* ids are predictablekdx2023-02-21
* elaborate TZR_DrawImagekdx2023-02-21