path: root/storm.p8
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'storm.p8')
1 files changed, 1884 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/storm.p8 b/storm.p8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0f540ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/storm.p8
@@ -0,0 +1,1884 @@
+pico-8 cartridge //
+version 41
+-- ~celex~
+-- maddy thorson + noel berry
+-- modified by kdx
+-- globals --
+room = { x=0, y=0 }
+objects = {}
+types = {}
+-- entry point --
+function _init()
+ menuitem_screenshake()
+ title_screen()
+function title_screen()
+ got_fruit = {}
+ for i=0,29 do
+ add(got_fruit,false) end
+ frames=0
+ deaths=0
+ max_djump=1
+ start_game=false
+ start_game_flash=0
+ music(40,0,7)
+ load_room(7,3)
+function begin_game()
+ frames=0
+ seconds=0
+ minutes=0
+ music_timer=0
+ start_game=false
+ music(0,0,7)
+ load_room(0,0)
+function level_index()
+ return room.x%8+room.y*8
+function is_title()
+ return level_index()==31
+-- effects --
+clouds = {}
+for i=0,16 do
+ add(clouds,{
+ x=rnd(128),
+ y=rnd(128),
+ spd=1+rnd(4),
+ w=32+rnd(32)
+ })
+particles = {}
+function add_particle()
+ add(particles,{
+ x=rnd(128),
+ y=rnd(128),
+ s=0+flr(rnd(5)/4),
+ spd=0.25+rnd(5),
+ off=rnd(1),
+ c=6+flr(0.5+rnd(1))
+ })
+dead_particles = {}
+-- player entity --
+player =
+ init=function(this)
+ this.p_jump=false
+ this.p_dash=false
+ this.grace=0
+ this.jbuffer=0
+ this.djump=max_djump
+ this.dash_time=0
+ this.dash_effect_time=0
+ this.dash_target={x=0,y=0}
+ this.dash_accel={x=0,y=0}
+ this.hitbox = {x=1,y=3,w=6,h=5}
+ this.spr_off=0
+ this.was_on_ground=false
+ create_hair(this)
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ if (pause_player) return
+ local input = btn(k_right) and 1 or (btn(k_left) and -1 or 0)
+ -- spikes collide
+ if spikes_at(this.x+this.hitbox.x,this.y+this.hitbox.y,this.hitbox.w,this.hitbox.h,this.spd.x,this.spd.y) then
+ kill_player(this) end
+ -- bottom death
+ if this.y>128 then
+ kill_player(this) end
+ local on_ground=this.is_solid(0,1)
+ local on_ice=this.is_ice(0,1)
+ -- smoke particles
+ if on_ground and not this.was_on_ground then
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y+4)
+ end
+ local jump = btn(k_jump) and not this.p_jump
+ this.p_jump = btn(k_jump)
+ if (jump) then
+ this.jbuffer=4
+ elseif this.jbuffer>0 then
+ this.jbuffer-=1
+ end
+ local dash = btn(k_dash) and not this.p_dash
+ this.p_dash = btn(k_dash)
+ if on_ground then
+ this.grace=6
+ if this.djump<max_djump then
+ psfx(54)
+ this.djump=max_djump
+ end
+ elseif this.grace > 0 then
+ this.grace-=1
+ end
+ this.dash_effect_time -=1
+ if this.dash_time > 0 then
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ this.dash_time-=1
+ this.spd.x=appr(this.spd.x,this.dash_target.x,this.dash_accel.x)
+ this.spd.y=appr(this.spd.y,this.dash_target.y,this.dash_accel.y)
+ else
+ -- move
+ local maxrun=1
+ local accel=0.6
+ local deccel=0.15
+ if not on_ground then
+ accel=0.4
+ elseif on_ice then
+ accel=0.05
+ if input==(this.flip.x and -1 or 1) then
+ accel=0.05
+ end
+ end
+ if abs(this.spd.x) > maxrun then
+ this.spd.x=appr(this.spd.x,sign(this.spd.x)*maxrun,deccel)
+ else
+ this.spd.x=appr(this.spd.x,input*maxrun,accel)
+ end
+ --facing
+ if this.spd.x!=0 then
+ this.flip.x=(this.spd.x<0)
+ end
+ -- gravity
+ local maxfall=2
+ local gravity=0.21
+ if abs(this.spd.y) <= 0.15 then
+ gravity*=0.5
+ end
+ -- wall slide
+ if input!=0 and this.is_solid(input,0) and not this.is_ice(input,0) then
+ maxfall=0.4
+ if rnd(10)<2 then
+ init_object(smoke,this.x+input*6,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ if not on_ground then
+ this.spd.y=appr(this.spd.y,maxfall,gravity)
+ end
+ -- jump
+ if this.jbuffer>0 then
+ if this.grace>0 then
+ -- normal jump
+ psfx(1)
+ this.jbuffer=0
+ this.grace=0
+ this.spd.y=-2
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y+4)
+ else
+ -- wall jump
+ local wall_dir=(this.is_solid(-3,0) and -1 or this.is_solid(3,0) and 1 or 0)
+ if wall_dir!=0 then
+ psfx(2)
+ this.jbuffer=0
+ this.spd.y=-2
+ this.spd.x=-wall_dir*(maxrun+1)
+ if not this.is_ice(wall_dir*3,0) then
+ init_object(smoke,this.x+wall_dir*6,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- dash
+ local d_full=5
+ local d_half=d_full*0.70710678118
+ if this.djump>0 and dash then
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ this.djump-=1
+ this.dash_time=4
+ has_dashed=true
+ this.dash_effect_time=10
+ local v_input=(btn(k_up) and -1 or (btn(k_down) and 1 or 0))
+ if input!=0 then
+ if v_input!=0 then
+ this.spd.x=input*d_half
+ this.spd.y=v_input*d_half
+ else
+ this.spd.x=input*d_full
+ this.spd.y=0
+ end
+ elseif v_input!=0 then
+ this.spd.x=0
+ this.spd.y=v_input*d_full
+ else
+ this.spd.x=(this.flip.x and -1 or 1)
+ this.spd.y=0
+ end
+ psfx(3)
+ freeze=0
+ shake=6
+ this.dash_target.x=2*sign(this.spd.x)
+ this.dash_target.y=2*sign(this.spd.y)
+ this.dash_accel.x=1.5
+ this.dash_accel.y=1.5
+ if this.spd.y<0 then
+ this.dash_target.y*=.75
+ end
+ if this.spd.y!=0 then
+ this.dash_accel.x*=0.70710678118
+ end
+ if this.spd.x!=0 then
+ this.dash_accel.y*=0.70710678118
+ end
+ elseif dash and this.djump<=0 then
+ psfx(9)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ -- animation
+ this.spr_off+=0.25
+ if not on_ground then
+ if this.is_solid(input,0) then
+ this.spr=5
+ else
+ this.spr=3
+ end
+ elseif btn(k_down) then
+ this.spr=6
+ elseif btn(k_up) then
+ this.spr=7
+ elseif (this.spd.x==0) or (not btn(k_left) and not btn(k_right)) then
+ this.spr=1
+ else
+ this.spr=1+this.spr_off%4
+ end
+ -- next level
+ if this.y<-4 and level_index()<30 then next_room() end
+ -- was on the ground
+ this.was_on_ground=on_ground
+ end, --<end update loop
+ draw=function(this)
+ -- clamp in screen
+ if this.x<-1 or this.x>121 then
+ this.x=clamp(this.x,-1,121)
+ this.spd.x=0
+ end
+ set_hair_color(this.djump)
+ draw_hair(this,this.flip.x and -1 or 1)
+ spr(this.spr,this.x,this.y,1,1,this.flip.x,this.flip.y)
+ unset_hair_color()
+ end
+ if sfx_timer<=0 then
+ sfx(num)
+ end
+ for i=0,4 do
+ add(,{x=obj.x,y=obj.y,size=max(1,min(2,3-i))})
+ end
+ pal(8,(djump==1 and 8 or djump==2 and (7+flr((frames/3)%2)*4) or 12))
+ local last={x=obj.x+4-facing*2,y=obj.y+(btn(k_down) and 4 or 3)}
+ foreach(,function(h)
+ h.x+=(last.x-h.x)/1.5
+ h.y+=(last.y+0.5-h.y)/1.5
+ circfill(h.x,h.y,h.size,8)
+ last=h
+ end)
+ pal(8,8)
+player_spawn = {
+ tile=1,
+ init=function(this)
+ sfx(4)
+ this.spr=3
+ {x=this.x,y=this.y}
+ this.y=128
+ this.spd.y=-4
+ this.state=0
+ this.delay=0
+ this.solids=false
+ create_hair(this)
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ -- jumping up
+ if this.state==0 then
+ if this.y < then
+ this.state=1
+ this.delay=3
+ end
+ -- falling
+ elseif this.state==1 then
+ this.spd.y+=0.5
+ if this.spd.y>0 and this.delay>0 then
+ this.spd.y=0
+ this.delay-=1
+ end
+ if this.spd.y>0 and this.y > then
+ this.spd = {x=0,y=0}
+ this.state=2
+ this.delay=5
+ shake=5
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y+4)
+ sfx(5)
+ end
+ -- landing
+ elseif this.state==2 then
+ this.delay-=1
+ this.spr=6
+ if this.delay<0 then
+ destroy_object(this)
+ init_object(player,this.x,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ set_hair_color(max_djump)
+ draw_hair(this,1)
+ spr(this.spr,this.x,this.y,1,1,this.flip.x,this.flip.y)
+ unset_hair_color()
+ end
+spring = {
+ tile=18,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.hide_in=0
+ this.hide_for=0
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ if this.hide_for>0 then
+ this.hide_for-=1
+ if this.hide_for<=0 then
+ this.spr=18
+ this.delay=0
+ end
+ elseif this.spr==18 then
+ local hit = this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if hit ~=nil and hit.spd.y>=0 then
+ this.spr=19
+ hit.y=this.y-4
+ hit.spd.x*=0.2
+ hit.spd.y=-3
+ hit.djump=max_djump
+ this.delay=10
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ -- breakable below us
+ local below=this.collide(fall_floor,0,1)
+ if below~=nil then
+ break_fall_floor(below)
+ end
+ psfx(8)
+ end
+ elseif this.delay>0 then
+ this.delay-=1
+ if this.delay<=0 then
+ this.spr=18
+ end
+ end
+ -- begin hiding
+ if this.hide_in>0 then
+ this.hide_in-=1
+ if this.hide_in<=0 then
+ this.hide_for=60
+ this.spr=0
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function break_spring(obj)
+ obj.hide_in=15
+balloon = {
+ tile=22,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.offset=rnd(1)
+ this.start=this.y
+ this.timer=0
+ this.hitbox={x=-1,y=-1,w=10,h=10}
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ if this.spr==22 then
+ this.offset+=0.01
+ this.y=this.start+sin(this.offset)*2
+ local hit = this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if hit~=nil and hit.djump<max_djump then
+ psfx(6)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ hit.djump=max_djump
+ this.spr=0
+ this.timer=60
+ end
+ elseif this.timer>0 then
+ this.timer-=1
+ else
+ psfx(7)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ this.spr=22
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ if this.spr==22 then
+ spr(13+(this.offset*8)%3,this.x,this.y+6)
+ spr(this.spr,this.x,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+fall_floor = {
+ tile=23,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.state=0
+ this.solid=true
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ -- idling
+ if this.state == 0 then
+ if this.check(player,0,-1) or this.check(player,-1,0) or this.check(player,1,0) then
+ break_fall_floor(this)
+ end
+ -- shaking
+ elseif this.state==1 then
+ this.delay-=1
+ if this.delay<=0 then
+ this.state=2
+ this.delay=60--how long it hides for
+ this.collideable=false
+ end
+ -- invisible, waiting to reset
+ elseif this.state==2 then
+ this.delay-=1
+ if this.delay<=0 and not this.check(player,0,0) then
+ psfx(7)
+ this.state=0
+ this.collideable=true
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ if this.state!=2 then
+ if this.state!=1 then
+ spr(23,this.x,this.y)
+ else
+ spr(23+(15-this.delay)/5,this.x,this.y)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function break_fall_floor(obj)
+ if obj.state==0 then
+ psfx(15)
+ obj.state=1
+ obj.delay=15--how long until it falls
+ init_object(smoke,obj.x,obj.y)
+ local hit=obj.collide(spring,0,-1)
+ if hit~=nil then
+ break_spring(hit)
+ end
+ end
+ init=function(this)
+ this.spr=29
+ this.spd.y=-0.1
+ this.spd.x=0.3+rnd(0.2)
+ this.x+=-1+rnd(2)
+ this.y+=-1+rnd(2)
+ this.flip.x=maybe()
+ this.flip.y=maybe()
+ this.solids=false
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ this.spr+=0.2
+ if this.spr>=32 then
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ end
+ tile=26,
+ if_not_fruit=true,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.start=this.y
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ local hit=this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if hit~=nil then
+ hit.djump=max_djump
+ sfx_timer=20
+ sfx(13)
+ got_fruit[1+level_index()] = true
+ init_object(lifeup,this.x,this.y)
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ this.y=this.start+sin(*2.5
+ end
+ tile=28,
+ if_not_fruit=true,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.start=this.y
+ this.step=0.5
+ this.solids=false
+ this.sfx_delay=8
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ --fly away
+ if then
+ if this.sfx_delay>0 then
+ this.sfx_delay-=1
+ if this.sfx_delay<=0 then
+ sfx_timer=20
+ sfx(14)
+ end
+ end
+ this.spd.y=appr(this.spd.y,-3.5,0.25)
+ if this.y<-16 then
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ -- wait
+ else
+ if has_dashed then
+ end
+ this.step+=0.05
+ this.spd.y=sin(this.step)*0.5
+ end
+ -- collect
+ local hit=this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if hit~=nil then
+ hit.djump=max_djump
+ sfx_timer=20
+ sfx(13)
+ got_fruit[1+level_index()] = true
+ init_object(lifeup,this.x,this.y)
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ local off=0
+ if not then
+ local dir=sin(this.step)
+ if dir<0 then
+ off=1+max(0,sign(this.y-this.start))
+ end
+ else
+ off=(off+0.25)%3
+ end
+ spr(45+off,this.x-6,this.y-2,1,1,true,false)
+ spr(this.spr,this.x,this.y)
+ spr(45+off,this.x+6,this.y-2)
+ end
+lifeup = {
+ init=function(this)
+ this.spd.y=-0.25
+ this.duration=30
+ this.x-=2
+ this.y-=4
+ this.flash=0
+ this.solids=false
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ this.duration-=1
+ if this.duration<= 0 then
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ this.flash+=0.5
+ print("1000",this.x-2,this.y,7+this.flash%2)
+ end
+fake_wall = {
+ tile=64,
+ if_not_fruit=true,
+ update=function(this)
+ this.hitbox={x=-1,y=-1,w=18,h=18}
+ local hit = this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if hit~=nil and hit.dash_effect_time>0 then
+ hit.spd.x=-sign(hit.spd.x)*1.5
+ hit.spd.y=-1.5
+ hit.dash_time=-1
+ sfx_timer=20
+ sfx(16)
+ destroy_object(this)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x+8,this.y)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y+8)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x+8,this.y+8)
+ init_object(fruit,this.x+4,this.y+4)
+ end
+ this.hitbox={x=0,y=0,w=16,h=16}
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ spr(64,this.x,this.y)
+ spr(65,this.x+8,this.y)
+ spr(80,this.x,this.y+8)
+ spr(81,this.x+8,this.y+8)
+ end
+ tile=8,
+ if_not_fruit=true,
+ update=function(this)
+ local was=flr(this.spr)
+ this.spr=9+(sin(frames/30)+0.5)*1
+ local is=flr(this.spr)
+ if is==10 and is!=was then
+ this.flip.x=not this.flip.x
+ end
+ if this.check(player,0,0) then
+ sfx(23)
+ sfx_timer=10
+ destroy_object(this)
+ has_key=true
+ end
+ end
+ tile=20,
+ if_not_fruit=true,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.x-=4
+ this.start=this.x
+ this.timer=20
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ if has_key then
+ this.timer-=1
+ this.x=this.start-1+rnd(3)
+ if this.timer<=0 then
+ sfx_timer=20
+ sfx(16)
+ init_object(fruit,this.x,this.y-4)
+ destroy_object(this)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ init=function(this)
+ this.x-=4
+ this.solids=false
+ this.hitbox.w=16
+ this.last=this.x
+ end,
+ update=function(this)
+ this.spd.x=this.dir*0.65
+ if this.x<-16 then this.x=128
+ elseif this.x>128 then this.x=-16 end
+ if not this.check(player,0,0) then
+ local hit=this.collide(player,0,-1)
+ if hit~=nil then
+ hit.move_x(this.x-this.last,1)
+ end
+ end
+ this.last=this.x
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ spr(11,this.x,this.y-1)
+ spr(12,this.x+8,this.y-1)
+ end
+ tile=86,
+ last=0,
+ draw=function(this)
+ this.text="-- celeste mountain --#this memorial to those# perished on the climb"
+ if this.check(player,4,0) then
+ if this.index<#this.text then
+ this.index+=0.5
+ if this.index>=this.last+1 then
+ this.last+=1
+ sfx(35)
+ end
+ end
+ for i=1,this.index do
+ if sub(this.text,i,i)~="#" then
+ rectfill(,,, ,7)
+ print(sub(this.text,i,i),,,0)
+ else
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ this.index=0
+ this.last=0
+ end
+ end
+ tile=96,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.state=0
+ this.hitbox.w=16
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ if this.state==0 then
+ local hit=this.collide(player,0,8)
+ if hit~=nil and hit.is_solid(0,1) then
+ music(-1,500,7)
+ sfx(37)
+ pause_player=true
+ hit.spd.x=0
+ hit.spd.y=0
+ this.state=1
+ init_object(smoke,this.x,this.y)
+ init_object(smoke,this.x+8,this.y)
+ this.timer=60
+ this.particles={}
+ end
+ spr(96,this.x,this.y)
+ spr(97,this.x+8,this.y)
+ elseif this.state==1 then
+ this.timer-=1
+ shake=5
+ flash_bg=true
+ if this.timer<=45 and count(this.particles)<50 then
+ add(this.particles,{
+ x=1+rnd(14),
+ y=0,
+ h=32+rnd(32),
+ spd=8+rnd(8)
+ })
+ end
+ if this.timer<0 then
+ this.state=2
+ this.particles={}
+ flash_bg=false
+ new_bg=true
+ init_object(orb,this.x+4,this.y+4)
+ pause_player=false
+ end
+ foreach(this.particles,function(p)
+ p.y+=p.spd
+ line(this.x+p.x,this.y+8-p.y,this.x+p.x,min(this.y+8-p.y+p.h,this.y+8),7)
+ end)
+ end
+ spr(112,this.x,this.y+8)
+ spr(113,this.x+8,this.y+8)
+ end
+ init=function(this)
+ this.spd.y=-4
+ this.solids=false
+ this.particles={}
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ this.spd.y=appr(this.spd.y,0,0.5)
+ local hit=this.collide(player,0,0)
+ if this.spd.y==0 and hit~=nil then
+ music_timer=45
+ sfx(51)
+ freeze=10
+ shake=10
+ destroy_object(this)
+ max_djump=2
+ hit.djump=2
+ end
+ spr(102,this.x,this.y)
+ local off=frames/30
+ for i=0,7 do
+ circfill(this.x+4+cos(off+i/8)*8,this.y+4+sin(off+i/8)*8,1,7)
+ end
+ end
+flag = {
+ tile=118,
+ init=function(this)
+ this.x+=5
+ this.score=0
+ for i=1,count(got_fruit) do
+ if got_fruit[i] then
+ this.score+=1
+ end
+ end
+ end,
+ draw=function(this)
+ this.spr=118+(frames/5)%3
+ spr(this.spr,this.x,this.y)
+ end,
+ drawlast=function(this)
+ if then
+ rectfill(32,2,96,31,0)
+ spr(26,55,6)
+ print("x"..this.score,64,9,7)
+ draw_time(49,16)
+ print("deaths:"..deaths,48,24,7)
+ elseif this.check(player,0,0) then
+ sfx(55)
+ sfx_timer=30
+ end
+ end
+room_title = {
+ init=function(this)
+ this.delay=5
+ end,
+ drawlast=function(this)
+ this.delay-=1
+ if this.delay<-30 then
+ destroy_object(this)
+ elseif this.delay<0 then
+ --rectfill(24,58,104,70,0)
+ --rect(26,64-10,102,64+10,7)
+ --print("---",31,64-2,13)
+ if room.x==3 and room.y==1 then
+ cprint("old site",64,62,7,0)
+ elseif level_index()==30 then
+ cprint("summit",64,62,7,0)
+ else
+ local level=(1+level_index())*100
+ cprint(level.." m",64,62,7,0)
+ end
+ --print("---",86,64-2,13)
+ draw_time(4,4)
+ end
+ end
+-- object functions --
+function init_object(type,x,y)
+ if type.if_not_fruit~=nil and got_fruit[1+level_index()] then
+ return
+ end
+ local obj = {}
+ obj.type = type
+ obj.collideable=true
+ obj.solids=true
+ obj.spr = type.tile
+ obj.flip = {x=false,y=false}
+ obj.x = x
+ obj.y = y
+ obj.hitbox = { x=0,y=0,w=8,h=8 }
+ obj.spd = {x=0,y=0}
+ obj.rem = {x=0,y=0}
+ obj.is_solid=function(ox,oy)
+ if oy>0 and not obj.check(platform,ox,0) and obj.check(platform,ox,oy) then
+ return true
+ end
+ return solid_at(obj.x+obj.hitbox.x+ox,obj.y+obj.hitbox.y+oy,obj.hitbox.w,obj.hitbox.h)
+ or obj.check(fall_floor,ox,oy)
+ or obj.check(fake_wall,ox,oy)
+ end
+ obj.is_ice=function(ox,oy)
+ return ice_at(obj.x+obj.hitbox.x+ox,obj.y+obj.hitbox.y+oy,obj.hitbox.w,obj.hitbox.h)
+ end
+ obj.collide=function(type,ox,oy)
+ local other
+ for i=1,count(objects) do
+ other=objects[i]
+ if other ~=nil and other.type == type and other != obj and other.collideable and
+ other.x+other.hitbox.x+other.hitbox.w > obj.x+obj.hitbox.x+ox and
+ other.y+other.hitbox.y+other.hitbox.h > obj.y+obj.hitbox.y+oy and
+ other.x+other.hitbox.x < obj.x+obj.hitbox.x+obj.hitbox.w+ox and
+ other.y+other.hitbox.y < obj.y+obj.hitbox.y+obj.hitbox.h+oy then
+ return other
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+ end
+ obj.check=function(type,ox,oy)
+ return obj.collide(type,ox,oy) ~=nil
+ end
+ obj.move=function(ox,oy)
+ local amount
+ -- [x] get move amount
+ obj.rem.x += ox
+ amount = flr(obj.rem.x + 0.5)
+ obj.rem.x -= amount
+ obj.move_x(amount,0)
+ -- [y] get move amount
+ obj.rem.y += oy
+ amount = flr(obj.rem.y + 0.5)
+ obj.rem.y -= amount
+ obj.move_y(amount)
+ end
+ obj.move_x=function(amount,start)
+ if obj.solids then
+ local step = sign(amount)
+ for i=start,abs(amount) do
+ if not obj.is_solid(step,0) then
+ obj.x += step
+ else
+ obj.spd.x = 0
+ obj.rem.x = 0
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ obj.x += amount
+ end
+ end
+ obj.move_y=function(amount)
+ if obj.solids then
+ local step = sign(amount)
+ for i=0,abs(amount) do
+ if not obj.is_solid(0,step) then
+ obj.y += step
+ else
+ obj.spd.y = 0
+ obj.rem.y = 0
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ obj.y += amount
+ end
+ end
+ add(objects,obj)
+ if obj.type.init~=nil then
+ obj.type.init(obj)
+ end
+ return obj
+function destroy_object(obj)
+ del(objects,obj)
+function kill_player(obj)
+ sfx_timer=12
+ sfx(0)
+ add_particle()
+ deaths+=1
+ shake=10
+ destroy_object(obj)
+ dead_particles={}
+ for dir=0,7 do
+ local angle=(dir/8)
+ add(dead_particles,{
+ x=obj.x+4,
+ y=obj.y+4,
+ t=10,
+ spd={
+ x=sin(angle)*3,
+ y=cos(angle)*3
+ }
+ })
+ restart_room()
+ end
+-- room functions --
+function restart_room()
+ will_restart=true
+ delay_restart=15
+function next_room()
+ if room.x==2 and room.y==1 then
+ music(30,500,7)
+ elseif room.x==3 and room.y==1 then
+ music(20,500,7)
+ elseif room.x==4 and room.y==2 then
+ music(30,500,7)
+ elseif room.x==5 and room.y==3 then
+ music(30,500,7)
+ end
+ if room.x==7 then
+ load_room(0,room.y+1)
+ else
+ load_room(room.x+1,room.y)
+ end
+function load_room(x,y)
+ has_dashed=false
+ has_key=false
+ --remove existing objects
+ foreach(objects,destroy_object)
+ --current room
+ room.x = x
+ room.y = y
+ -- entities
+ for tx=0,15 do
+ for ty=0,15 do
+ local tile = mget(room.x*16+tx,room.y*16+ty);
+ if tile==11 then
+ init_object(platform,tx*8,ty*8).dir=-1
+ elseif tile==12 then
+ init_object(platform,tx*8,ty*8).dir=1
+ else
+ foreach(types,
+ function(type)
+ if type.tile == tile then
+ init_object(type,tx*8,ty*8)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not is_title() then
+ init_object(room_title,0,0)
+ end
+-- update function --
+function _update()
+ frames=((frames+1)%30)
+ if frames==0 and level_index()<30 then
+ seconds=((seconds+1)%60)
+ if seconds==0 then
+ minutes+=1
+ end
+ end
+ if music_timer>0 then
+ music_timer-=1
+ if music_timer<=0 then
+ music(10,0,7)
+ end
+ end
+ if sfx_timer>0 then
+ sfx_timer-=1
+ end
+ -- cancel if freeze
+ if freeze>0 then freeze-=1 return end
+ -- screenshake
+ if screenshake and shake>0 then
+ shake-=1
+ camera()
+ if shake>0 then
+ camera(-20+rnd(40),-20+rnd(40))
+ end
+ end
+ -- restart (soon)
+ if will_restart and delay_restart>0 then
+ delay_restart-=1
+ if delay_restart<=0 then
+ will_restart=false
+ load_room(room.x,room.y)
+ end
+ end
+ -- update each object
+ foreach(objects,function(obj)
+ obj.move(obj.spd.x,obj.spd.y)
+ if obj.type.update~=nil then
+ obj.type.update(obj)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- start game
+ if is_title() then
+ if not start_game and (btn(k_jump) or btn(k_dash)) then
+ music(-1)
+ start_game_flash=50
+ start_game=true
+ sfx(38)
+ end
+ if start_game then
+ start_game_flash-=1
+ if start_game_flash<=-30 then
+ begin_game()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- drawing functions --
+function _draw()
+ if freeze>0 then return end
+ -- reset all palette values
+ pal()
+ -- start game flash
+ if start_game then
+ local c=10
+ if start_game_flash>10 then
+ if frames%10<5 then
+ c=7
+ end
+ elseif start_game_flash>5 then
+ c=2
+ elseif start_game_flash>0 then
+ c=1
+ else
+ c=0
+ end
+ if c<10 then
+ pal(6,c)
+ pal(12,c)
+ pal(13,c)
+ pal(5,c)
+ pal(1,c)
+ pal(7,c)
+ end
+ end
+ -- clear screen
+ local bg_col = 0
+ if flash_bg then
+ bg_col = frames/5
+ elseif new_bg~=nil then
+ bg_col=2
+ end
+ cls(0)
+ rectfill(0,0,128,128,bg_col)
+ -- clouds
+ if not is_title() then
+ foreach(clouds, function(c)
+ c.x += c.spd
+ rectfill(c.x,c.y,c.x+c.w,c.y+4+(1-c.w/64)*12,new_bg~=nil and 14 or 1)
+ if c.x > 128 then
+ c.x = -c.w
+ c.y=rnd(128-8)
+ end
+ end)
+ end
+ -- draw bg terrain
+ map(room.x * 16,room.y * 16,0,0,16,16,4)
+ -- platforms/big chest
+ foreach(objects, function(o)
+ if o.type==platform or o.type==big_chest then
+ draw_object(o)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- draw terrain
+ local off=is_title() and -4 or 0
+ map(room.x*16,room.y * 16,off,0,16,16,2)
+ -- draw objects
+ foreach(objects, function(o)
+ if o.type~=platform and o.type~=big_chest then
+ draw_object(o)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- draw fg terrain
+ map(room.x * 16,room.y * 16,0,0,16,16,8)
+ -- particles
+ foreach(particles, function(p)
+ p.x += p.spd
+ p.y += sin(
+ min(0.05,p.spd/32)
+ rectfill(p.x,p.y,p.x+p.s,p.y+p.s,p.c)
+ if p.x>128+4 then
+ p.x=-4
+ p.y=rnd(128)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- dead particles
+ foreach(dead_particles, function(p)
+ p.x += p.spd.x
+ p.y += p.spd.y
+ p.t -=1
+ if p.t <= 0 then del(dead_particles,p) end
+ rectfill(p.x-p.t/5,p.y-p.t/5,p.x+p.t/5,p.y+p.t/5,14+p.t%2)
+ end)
+ -- draw outside of the screen for screenshake
+ rectfill(-5,-5,-1,133,0)
+ rectfill(-5,-5,133,-1,0)
+ rectfill(-5,128,133,133,0)
+ rectfill(128,-5,133,133,0)
+ camera(0,0)
+ foreach(objects, function(o)
+ if o.type~=platform and o.type~=big_chest then
+ drawlast_object(o)
+ end
+ end)
+ -- credits
+ if is_title() then
+ cprint("x+c",64,80,5)
+ cprint("maddy thorson",64,96,5)
+ cprint("noel berry",64,102,5)
+ end
+ if level_index()==30 then
+ local p
+ for i=1,count(objects) do
+ if objects[i].type==player then
+ p = objects[i]
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if p~=nil then
+ local diff=min(24,40-abs(p.x+4-64))
+ rectfill(0,0,diff,128,0)
+ rectfill(128-diff,0,128,128,0)
+ end
+ end
+function draw_object(obj)
+ if obj.type.draw~=nil then
+ obj.type.draw(obj)
+ elseif obj.spr and obj.spr>0 then
+ spr(obj.spr,obj.x,obj.y,1,1,obj.flip.x,obj.flip.y)
+ end
+function drawlast_object(obj)
+ if obj.type.drawlast~=nil then
+ obj.type.drawlast(obj)
+ elseif not obj.type.draw and obj.spr and obj.spr>0 then
+ spr(obj.spr,obj.x,obj.y,1,1,obj.flip.x,obj.flip.y)
+ end
+function draw_time(x,y)
+ local s=seconds
+ local m=minutes%60
+ local h=flr(minutes/60)
+ --rectfill(x,y,x+32,y+6,0)
+ fprint((h<10 and "0"..h or h)..":"..(m<10 and "0"..m or m)..":"..(s<10 and "0"..s or s),x+1,y+1,7,0)
+-- helper functions --
+function clamp(val,a,b)
+ return max(a, min(b, val))
+function appr(val,target,amount)
+ return val > target
+ and max(val - amount, target)
+ or min(val + amount, target)
+function sign(v)
+ return v>0 and 1 or
+ v<0 and -1 or 0
+function maybe()
+ return rnd(1)<0.5
+function solid_at(x,y,w,h)
+ return tile_flag_at(x,y,w,h,0)
+function ice_at(x,y,w,h)
+ return tile_flag_at(x,y,w,h,4)
+function tile_flag_at(x,y,w,h,flag)
+ for i=max(0,flr(x/8)),min(15,(x+w-1)/8) do
+ for j=max(0,flr(y/8)),min(15,(y+h-1)/8) do
+ if fget(tile_at(i,j),flag) then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+function tile_at(x,y)
+ return mget(room.x * 16 + x, room.y * 16 + y)
+function spikes_at(x,y,w,h,xspd,yspd)
+ for i=max(0,flr(x/8)),min(15,(x+w-1)/8) do
+ for j=max(0,flr(y/8)),min(15,(y+h-1)/8) do
+ local tile=tile_at(i,j)
+ if tile==17 and ((y+h-1)%8>=6 or y+h==j*8+8) and yspd>=0 then
+ return true
+ elseif tile==27 and y%8<=2 and yspd<=0 then
+ return true
+ elseif tile==43 and x%8<=2 and xspd<=0 then
+ return true
+ elseif tile==59 and ((x+w-1)%8>=6 or x+w==i*8+8) and xspd>=0 then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+-- centered print
+function cprint(txt,x,y,c,c2)
+ fprint(txt,x-#txt*2,y,c,c2)
+-- fancy print
+function fprint(txt,x,y,c,c2)
+ if c2 then
+ print(txt,x-1,y,c2)
+ print(txt,x+1,y,c2)
+ print(txt,x,y-1,c2)
+ print(txt,x,y+1,c2)
+ print(txt,x-1,y-1,c2)
+ print(txt,x-1,y+1,c2)
+ print(txt,x+1,y-1,c2)
+ print(txt,x+1,y+1,c2)
+ end
+ print(txt,x,y,c)
+function menuitem_screenshake()
+ menuitem(1,"screenshake "..(screenshake and"on"or"off"),menu_screenshake)
+function menu_screenshake()
+ screenshake=not screenshake
+ menuitem_screenshake()
+01 150a5644
+00 0a160c44
+00 0a160c44
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+00 14131244
+00 0a160c44
+00 0a160c44
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+00 18191a44
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+00 41424344
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+00 41424344
+00 41424344
+00 41424344
+00 41424344
+00 41424344
+00 41424344
+01 383a3c44
+02 393b3c44